Home Gym

3 Home Upgrades That Make Perfect Gifts

3 Home Upgrades That Make Perfect Gifts

As we get into the busiest time of the year and you’re quickly trying to check off items on your shopping list. Have you thought about giving the gift of a home upgrade? It’s a gift that will give your home a new life and added value. Plus, you’ll wow your guests in the new year. Here are a few ideas from The Showroom at Coutura.

The Secret To Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution

Okay, poll time. How many people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions throughout the year? For some reason, many people have a tough time following through with their resolutions - especially if they're fitness related. Here are a few tips to help you keep track of your health and wellness goals.


Make Your Resolution Realistic

It’s easier to take things in small bits, right? That holds true for your fitness resolutions. Rather than having an unattainable goal, make your resolution real. You won’t be overwhelmed, and you’ll find it more rewarding.

Make Your Resolution Specific

Make your resolution specific and detailed rather than vague. For example, instead of saying, “I’m going to exercise in 2018,” say, “I’m going to exercise three times a week in 2018.”  A clear goal gives you something that’s measurable and makes it easier to meet. Plus, when you’re specific, you’re more likely to hold yourself accountable and keep your New Year’s resolution.

Make a Schedule

Commit to making your resolution a reality by putting it on your calendar and setting a reminder (or reminders). Schedule the days you’re going to work out. If it’s on the schedule the excuse of not having time will disappear and this will lead you to keep your New Year’s resolution throughout the year. We’re always getting reminders about meetings and events, make it so that you remind yourself about your resolution.

Track Your Progress

Don’t just set and forget your resolution. Check in on yourself. Tracking your progress could be very rewarding if you’re making progress if you find your resolution becoming too complicated, make adjustments. Set yourself up for success!

Reward Yourself

When you track your progress and you see improvement, or you’ve met a small goal, reward yourself for doing a good job. Keep this going until you achieve your resolution.

For many its more about the time it takes to get to the gym 20-30 mins each way plus the workout, this usually means people have to schedule 2 hours or more out of their day to workout — which is not realistic for most folks especially those with families. Some people tend to sacrifice their health for time with their families, by bringing the workout home neither your health or your family time will suffer. Denver Home Fitness has the expertise and the equipment to help you meet your goals. Choose from top-tier fitness products featuring treadmills and ellipticals, bikes, home gyms, free weights and more. In addition to equipment, our team is passionate about health and wellness and can guide you to the right equipment for you and your home. Cheers to a happy, healthier 2018! Find our showroom here.